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Uniform Policy

Autumn & Spring Term

  • Long or short sleeved plain white school shirt (no polo shirts)
  • Grey school skirt, pinafore or grey school trousers -any brand (no leggings) 
  • Royal blue school V-neck cardigan or school V-neck jumper (with school logo)
  • School tie
  • Plain white, black or grey socks -any brand
  • Plain grey or black tights -any brand
  • Flat black school shoes - any brand (no trainers, sandals or boots)

Summer Term

Any of the above or:

  • Pale blue and white checked summer dress (optional)
  • Grey school shorts (optional)

PE Kit

Indoor/ Outdoor PE

  • School royal blue PE t-shirt (with school logo)
  • Plain black shorts - any brand (no logos)
  • Black plimsolls or trainers -any brand
  • Plain black jogging bottoms -any brand 


  • Fitted swimming trunks - any brand  (no shorts)
  • One piece swimming costume - any brand
  • A swimming hat - any brand


  • Only one pair of small studded earrings are allowed 
  • For health and safety reasons, children will not be allowed to swim if they do not have the correct swimming kit. Children will be asked to remove any jewellery (including religious jewellery) before they can swim; this is a requirement of the pool

Other Requirements

  • A waterproof jacket/ coat must be brought to school everyday  - any brand 
  • Religious headdresses must be plain white, black or royal blue (no patterns)
  • No leggings at any time
  • Children to come to school wearing their PE kits on PE days 
  • If your child is attending a sport related After School Club, they should also attend school wearing their PE kit
  • All long hair must be tied up using a white, black or blue hair hand (no large hair accessories allowed)
  • Any religious items eg kirpan that could be considered a weapon or pose a health and safety risk is not permitted in school


You can order from Brigade by clicking the following link: Brigade Uniforms

Please feel free to purchase trousers, skirts and shirts from your local supermarkets.

All enquiries regarding the online orders should be e-mailed to and will be responded to as quickly as possible.

Remember school shirts must be a traditional shirt, not be a polo top. Please see the pictures below:

Brigade Uniforms Please click on the link to go directly to Brigade's website.

Available Uniform

Please note that we have spare, used uniform items available in our aim to promote sustainability. This uniform has not been claimed after being lost for a half-term and is available on the playground for parents/ carers to help themselves to. Spare uniform can be found in our lost property container which is located on the playground and can be accessed by parents at the beginning and end of the day.