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Why do you want to come and work at Grange Park Junior School?

Grange Park Junior School is an exciting place to work, so please do look at any opportunities that there may be to join our committed and supportive team. We can also offer an exceptional working environment, polite children who behave very well and a parental community with a passion for education.  In our recent Ofsted Inspection, the following was highlighted:

The school has made recent successful changes to improve its work. Leaders are supported and challenged well by school governors. Staff morale is high due to the collaborative culture that exists at the school. Leaders support staff with their well-being and workload. Staff said that they are proud to work at the school.

Pupils are proud to attend Grange Park Junior School. The school’s motto of ‘striving to be the best that we can be’ is embedded into the life of the school. The school has high expectations of pupils. Pupils achieve well across an ambitious curriculum. Pupils understand the core values of kindness, empathy and equality. They value the high level of support and care they receive from staff.  Staff deal with rare incidents of poor behaviour very effectively. Pupils appreciate this support and trust leaders to help them. Relationships between staff and pupils are extremely strong.


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